Paid employees and a large number of dedicated volunteers allow Taupō Women’s Refuge to offer a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year Crisis Line. We do not operate a call answering service.
We endeavour to always provide a listening ear and an empathetic voice to take your call. Taupō Women’s Refuge offers assistance, advice, information and at times, home support.
Please contact us at any time of the day or night when you are ready to talk.
Taupō Women’s Refuge works together with women to make positive changes in our lives and the lives of our children. We offer support, advice and education 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
A Refuge safe house is also available to women and children suffering the effects of family violence. We provide plans and walk alongside women through their journey of positive change.
Taupō Womens Refuge + Taupō Community Foodbank = Awhina Society Inc.
Taupō Women’s Refuge networks and maintains positive relationships with the National Collective of Refuges although Taupō Women’s Refuge chooses to be a stand-alone entity and is not part of the collective.
Taupō Women’s Refuge meets weekly with the Maori Women’s Refuge and other agencies to provide a coordinated approach to meeting the needs of the whanau with whom we work. It is these strong connections and relationships that contribute to Taupō Women’s Refuge offering a meaningful and effective service.
We will work together to help create a safer future for you or someone you know that may be or has been affected by Family Violence.

We work hard to ensure we can offer the unique service of providing a 24 hour phone crisis line.
Call now on 07 377 1055.

If you are undecided about leaving your relationship, want to leave your relationship or have recently left your relationship we can support and advise you on the best and safest way to achieve this.

One-on-one support to talk, plan and discuss healthy relationships. and how to move forward.

Taupō Women’s Refuge provides a safe, warm, comfortable home to victims of Domestic Violence who need to leave their own homes for any reason. This service provides women and children the time to put plans in place and to ensure their safety at the same time.
Help us help our community. Every little bit helps.
$3, $5, $10, $20, One off or weekly amounts. You choose!